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Your Trusted Emergency Dentist in Mount Pleasant, TX

April 3, 2015

ThinkstockPhotos-145836109While a dental emergency is nearly impossible to predict, you can ensure that you and your family are prepared for one should the unexpected occur. As your Mount Pleasant, TX emergency dentist, Dr. Robert C. Sikes offers a full range of urgent care dentistry solutions when you need them most. Our state-of-the-art dental office proudly serves the complete oral healthcare needs of families and busy professionals in Mount Pleasant and the surrounding areas.

What is a Dental Emergency?

Knowing what comprises a dental emergency may be what ultimately leads to a favorable result when one occurs.

  • Soft tissue injuries – Gently rinse the mouth with a warm, mild salt-water solution. Apply pressure to the site of the injury with sterile gauze to staunch any bleeding. If bleeding persists after 10 to 15 minutes, contact our office right away. An over-the-counter pain reliever may be taken to alleviate discomfort.
  • Knocked out tooth – Call our office immediately. Retrieve the tooth carefully, holding it only by the crown (the portion that is usually visible above the gum line). Gently rinse the tooth with warm water, taking care to avoid removing any connective tissues attached to the root. If possible, attempt to place the tooth back in its socket, ensuring that it is facing the proper way. If you are unable to replace it, simply put the tooth in a small bag or container filled with milk, saliva, or a special tooth-saving solution. If you reach our office in a timely manner, it may be possible to save the tooth.
  • Lost crown – A tooth that has lost a crown is likely to be highly sensitive. If possible, replace the crown over the tooth using a small bit of toothpaste, denture adhesive or dental cement. Call our office to schedule a visit with Dr. Sikes to have the crown reattached or replaced.
  • Severe toothache – Rinse the mouth with warm water, and use dental floss to remove any debris that may be caught between the teeth. A pain reliever like ibuprofen may be taken to alleviate discomfort and inflammation. Do not place aspirin against the tooth or gums, as this can lead to tissue damage. A cold compress may be used on the outside of the mouth as well. If pain does not subside, contact our office to schedule an emergency dental appointment.

Mount Pleasant, TX Emergency Dentistry

If you or someone in your family is currently experiencing a dental emergency, please do not hesitate to contact our office right away. An experienced member of our team is standing by and ready to help. Our primary goal is to provide you with quick, reliable care in a convenient location so that you can get back to your daily routine faster. Your Mount Pleasant, TX emergency dentist, Dr. Robert C. Sikes, proudly serves families from throughout nearby communities in Titus County and beyond.